

...or Buffalo wings, as they are called in the country for which the rest of the world is an appendix, refers to the uncooked lump of meat skewered over the top of two drumsticks. Sure it has two eyes, a nose, and two ears but these are details not worth the time of anyone except the technical ones - and let's face it, their opinions don't count. So anyhoo, I was describing Chicken. Well, not much to describe there, is it? They go about their lives doing something quite inconsequential until one day - BAM - on a barbeque, roasting away under the warm embrace of Lawry's garlic salt. Some of them give eggs, a lot of which end up in Denny's and the rest of them produce more chickens which send up Lawry's share by a fraction of a percentage. So if there is like a chicken equivalent of Immanuel Kant who has brooded upon the purpose of his life, I suspect that Lawry's pvt. ltd. features prominently in his musings. If eggs have life (you never know, some people even think plants have life!), they probably think about Denny's a lot. But I think we should really rein in our crazy speculations, which already crossed the line of rationality when we started thinking of chickens and eggs as anything more than food. What a crazy idea! Anyhoo, to make things a bit clearer, because let's face it - it's a complicated topic, I have made the following flowcharts which explain everything about chickens and eggs:

1 Chicken -> 2 drumsticks + 1 barbecued breast piece

1 egg -> not much, but 2 eggs -> 1 omlette

Speaking of chickens and eggs, I have often wondered which came first. I think we'll have to see if Lawry's setup their shop before Denny's because let's face it, what would Lawry's have made if the world only consisted of eggs? Vice-versa, how would Denny's have made omlettes from chickens? A quick search shows that Lawry's was established in 1938 and Denny's in 1953 which means there were no chickens before 1938 and no eggs before 1953. There you have it - once and for all, a huge conundrumstick solved!

4 observations on “Chicken...
  1. Amitesh

    You poor simpleton, your world is so small i.e, limited to Dennys and Lawrys.... only restricted by your imagination!

    By the way, Buffalo wings are called so because of the the origin of their sauce, Buffalo NY and they are typically boiled or fried and then wrapped in its signature sauce. I don't think they are ever skewered in the wing making process. Get your facts right man. You don't know how many Buffalo wings lovers have you offended by your half cooked post completely denigrating the famed and hallowed wings!!

  2. Sonya

    Whaaaat?! Will you please stop adding such colorful dimension to my consciousness? Maybe I don't want to be up all night laughing. 🙂 Your post was enough, now I'm buffaloed by buffalo (x 8). Anche tu ankit Ankit...


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