

"LOL :)!!!. I m a gr8 frnd LOL :)!!!. Smart, senzitiv nd kool LOL :)!!!.........."

Minus some exaggeration, this is how the profile of one of my friends went during my Orkut days. The moment I saw this, I thought, well, he goes into the quarantined list from this moment onwards. The problem with this statement is that it is too concealed beneath layers of borrowed style and substance to establish any kind of credibility or individuality for the author. Not to mention that the sentence is full of loads of over-the-top lies. I mean, for a second I thought that I had just witnessed the profile of someone who truly embodied the perfection of the human specie like, God or Chuck Norris or Karan Johar. And even if it was the all too great Karan Johar saying these words, even he, in all his immeasurable idiocy would not have been able to carry the burden of the heavy dose of self-aggrandization which permeates the sentence.

Nevertheless, the fact that I came across some kids in the local grocery store today wearing some kind of in-your-face, extreme T-Shirt made me remember the stereotype which underlines such people. They are the same kind of people who would be forced to listen to Britney Spears or for that matter even rock just because their friends do it, use crazy language to express themselves just because its supposed to be cool, drink at parties not because they like it but because everyone else is doing so and they are being forced etc. They buy into the latest fashion trends and happily pay a fortune big enough to provide for the food of an average family for days just so that they could fit in the upcoming social event. They are the same ones who speak english rather than their native language even if it does not serve any advantage just because its supposed to be such an 'in' thing to do. And they are the same ones who, for lack of an individuality, wear forced mannerisms, phony morals and affected beliefs in social gatherings.

I am not saying that people should not listen to Britney Spears or not drink or not use crazy language. But only if they really find it good or useful or advantageous. If such is the case, all the self-righteous snobbish blabbering about how Beethoven is more desirable than Britney Spears is just a load of nothing. And I am not saying that I am any better, but I am trying hard to improve.

The fact of the matter is that those who would only accept an individual if he conforms to some norms expected by that group do not even deserve the friendship or acquaintance of that individual. True friendship does not have a price tag on it and neither does it have rules and clauses. And it is futile to think that someone can fool the world by not being himself. The truth is only thinly hidden and when it becomes evident, its dirty and disgusting. And moreover, everyone gets just one chance to live. What a way to spend that chance if it is spent pleasing everyone else except oneself ?

Finally, for all those incredible jerks who would rather have you do something forcefully against your own wish, I am sure, their stupidity is not something which a quick jab on the jaws and a roundhouse kick on the backside cannot cure :). Just kidding...

P.S: Have been cribbing a lot these days, isn't it ? Hoping that the next post will be a bit more sane.

6 observations on “Trend-follower
  1. Nitin Gupta

    OMFG!! It's like.. insane.. u know.. like.. hw cn u e1 rite dat! LOL 🙂 u dun know nothin man!!!!!.. ROTFL 😛 .. chill maan! tk it ezy buddy :))))

  2. Anurup K.T

    First of all, is it the weather or is it your mood ? 🙂
    To conform is to submerge your identity but to rebel without a cause is more a search for your identity.
    And of course that is not meant for you ;).

  3. Ankit

    @Nitin: I couldn't have put it in more succintly 🙂

    @Anurup: Its not the weather for sure. Weather has been amazing these few days. Infact I was thinking of writing something on the utterly beautiful atmosphere but was run over by my baser instincts :)... Having spent a year with you, I think I am pretty much aware of where each of your comment is going :)...

  4. Amit

    Ok this is the first of your series of rants in which I can't see any loopholes to be able to jump on you. Well Written!

    Is it the weather or is it just you? :)) Hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  5. aabeirah

    @ankit: I remember something after reading this blog of yours...the Talented Mr. Ripley..."I always thought it was better to be a fake something that a real nothing..."

  6. Ankit

    @Amit: A happy new year to you too boss... nav varsh ki haardik shubhkaamnaayein

    @Aabeirah: Now I can not argue with Mr. Ripley, can I :)?


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