
Not so Starry Night on the Kukrail Sewage pond

*update: Item posted on ebay.

Its not technically a post. I have painted something which I consider is an epic. I got inspired by Van Gogh's 'Starry Night on the Rhone' and I think it is as good if not better. So now that we all know what a great work of art this is, I am ready to sell it to the highest bidder. Any art connoisseur's there ?

Can you believe that I managed to make this masterpiece in just 2 hours!!! Just as a comparison, I will put Van Gogh's painting too, just so that you guys could get a frame of reference. Do you also think that Van Gogh could have done so much better? *Smug glow of self satisfaction*, no one should be allowed to rule so much !!!:

Also, I have made a new site. Please do pay a visit if you have some free time. Its pretty preliminary:

Ankit Srivastava

16 observations on “Not so Starry Night on the Kukrail Sewage pond
  1. Amit

    But I know the direction towards which your new webpae is going. It would be like the same blog minus junta's ability to leave comment on your writing there. hee hee

  2. Anurup K.T

    Well at best it could be called an amateurish attempt of a wannabe painter(?), too stark, not abstract nor refined, without any sense of colour or imagination and highly unaesthetic in its appeal. And the arrogance of its creator is evident by his act of putting his canvas(?) above what many consider as one of Van Gogh's masterpieces, there by proving the point that he needs to use another 's creation to justify his indulgence.

    :).... Was just trying to be you for a change(And loved it). Honestly I would term it as "interesting & innovative".

  3. Ankit

    @Amit: you got me there... I never thought that my evil plans would be unmasked so easily :-)... Ebay pe daal raha hoon main 🙂

    @Anurup: and I loved your sarcasm :-)... you see how addictive it is... "interesting and innovative"... hmmm... I am sure this one is going to blow away all the competetion once it lands on e-bay...

  4. Amit

    just a suggestion! Try to add those articles which you didn't write in the last 3 months for example the review on poseidon. That one was the best! yeah and let me know how many cents did the painting fetch on ebay. I hope you wont have to pay money from your pocket to sell it! hee hee. You can take solace from the fact the genius of Van gough was never understood in his life time. 😛

  5. Ankit

    @Amitesh: This is one of the best comments you have ever put :-)... Will put Poseidon. Better still, I will categorize it into a reviews section...

  6. nitin

    ye naya nawaabi shauk!!.. pata nahi kyun isse dekhke k2 ki yaad aa gayi :))
    ye banayi kaise hai?.. kaagaz pe banake scan ki ya directly photoshop mein?

  7. Ankit

    @Phantom: k2 ki yaad isliye aayee ki shaayad painting hai hi itni ghatiya :-)... koi photoshop nahin use kiya mainein, photoshop is for lesser mortals :-))... Microsoft PAINT boss...

  8. Raghava_Gunti

    Blessed was Van Gogh: he never had to use MS Paint, nor was He Your contemporary. I won't even dare what feelings you two would've induced in each other...

  9. Raghava_Gunti

    the highlight of that 'work-o-f-art' of yours is the look on the moon, admit it-- weren't you looking at the closet mirror while drawing that?

  10. Ankit

    @Gunti: The moon, as they say, kicks some serious ass :-)... I never knew I could pack so much emotion in one circular object. Look at the face of the moon. It has the expression of someone who has just said, "and you thought your life couldn't get any worse" and promptly follows it with 2 finger snaps. It was the left mirror 🙂

  11. Ankit

    I did draw it with my right hand... but all the time looking into the mirror !!! like Arjuna !!! man, if I ever meet another person who ruled so much, I would have him arrested and thrown behind bars :-))))

  12. Amit

    are munna, apne page-wa me jahan bhi email address-wa me @ hai wahan pe usko [at] se replace kar do warna spam mail bhar bhar ke aane lagenge.


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